Incorporating parts of
Annapurna Conservation Area – Kimche, Ghandruk, Tadapani,
Ghorepani, Hile, Birethanti.
Pictures and text by Barry Greville-Eyres
Quintessential Nepal and Himalayas - moody and mystical - local landmarks festooned with Tibetan prayer flags
My Nepalese sojourn commenced with a hop and skip (Kabul-New Delhi-Kathmandu)
on Spicejet, India’s funky and appropriately branded budget carrier. The absolutely no frills airline is relatively efficient and in spite of a mad
dash transfer in New Delhi, my final destination was beckoning well within half
a travel day.
On a wing and prayer to Kathmandu |
On arrival in Kathmandu I was made acutely aware, even before setting
foot on hallowed Nepalese soil, of the extent to which people's lives - locals
as well as tourists - are in the hands of the Gods and bio-physical elements.
The loss of 16 Sherpas on the slopes of Everest, to a deadly avalanche of ice
and snow, barely weeks earlier was one such cataclysmic event. This resulted in
the closure of the 2014 climbing season (with its short April-June window), part
expressions of solidarity, respect and frustration by the Sherpa and climbing community
at government intransigence at putting
together a comprehensive social welfare and benefits package for the tragically
departed mountain guides and their remaining families.
Another was more real and
personal. The short flip from New Delhi was uneventful but on our final
approach to Kathmandu we were promptly put in a holding pattern as we began to
circle, at arm's length, towering stacks of angry and badly bruised cumulonimbus
storm clouds. After what seemed like a lifetime and dozens of dizzying circuits
we finally landed. We were immediately greeted by a congested, capital city in
helter-skelter mode as passengers, pedestrians and commuters scattered in the
darkness under torrential downpours. The theme infinitesimal, inconsequential
and fallible stayed with me throughout my visit and short trek as we were
exposed to the discomfort of whimsical weather, steep terrain and fast flowing
rivers, all the while buzzed in the distance by search and rescue helicopters
going about their business.
Due to my general aversion for capital cities, I was booked on an early morning
domestic flight to Pokhara, barely hours after my arrival. There was however
ample time to enjoy the heart-warming hospitality of a former work colleague
and his family with authentic Nepali cuisine and a tall, cracked Tuborg beer.
My first full day in Nepal was not without its own drama as it appeared
as if the entire mountain kingdom was clouded out and flights thoroughly
grounded despite the attentions of countless giddy and impatient foreigners. The
domestic departure lounge resembled an inner-city, base camp struck down with a
sinister malaise as passengers idled around for the weather to clear. I blended
into the drab decor with my very ordinary apparel and outdated 'hiking' gear, outdone
by a ‘branded’ frenzy of specialist, outdoor adventure equipment every
conceivable colour of the neonic rainbow. It reminded me that I should make a
point of procuring a hilariously funny, anti-consumerism branded t-shirt with a
catchy ‘Hey Fuck Face’ phrase ripping off the well-known adventure brand.
It was not particularly comforting to think that the gaudy garb and get
up of the average trekker is probably valued at more than the average Nepali annual
wage – more than likely far in excess when one considers that GDP per capita
earnings are around $800 pa - sobering to say the least! I was quickly educated
as to the distinction between hiking and trekking, the Nepalese way, in this part
of the world. It's a rather significant one when you consider that the trekking
brand is synonymous with Nepal and the Himalayas. Mere, less cool, mortals hike
and sightsee basing themselves out of fixed tourist accommodation conducting
mainly day trips into the immediate area, often unguided, before returning to
the creature comforts of their home base.
Trekking most certainly has a more serious side .....dressed stone and masonry work of exceptional quality - solid, sustainable, earthy and very pleasing to the eye |
Trekking is mainly guided and 'rolling' in nature where village-based
guesthouses or lodges are used, en route, with all amenities including catering
(dinner and breakfast) and bedding provided as part of a package deal. Its
mainly the super-cool that trek and its worn as a badge of courage. A variation
to the theme, the exclusive domain of the uber wealthy, is camp trekking which
is a throwback to the original form of trekking prior to the introduction of
homestays or guesthouses. Porters are used extensively to carry the full set of
camping equipment and accoutrements in addition to the trekking guide(s) and
camp is set up at the end of each day at designated camp sites. A typical colonial
African safari, of sorts, in Asia minus the lions, elephants and antelope. It
was not uncommon in the 1950s and 1960s for porters to be saddled with loads of
up to 100kgs per day over extended treks. Decades later the loads dropped to
approximately 70kgs and nowadays porters do not normally shoulder more than 30kgs
per day.
Easier on the eye and some of the older, more traditional accommodation establishments catering primarily for trekkers depicting high quality stonework with exquisite surrounding mountain views |
A more upmarket accommodation establishment en route to Ghandruk |
Accommodation options aplenty at both Upper and Lower Ghorepani bring into question the issues of sustainability and over-development |
It was pleasing to note that a regulatory framework has been introduced,
into the entire trekking industry, by the Nepali government through a
qualification and registration system for service providers – guesthouses/lodges,
trekking guides and porters with the Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN).
Similarly, trekkers are legally required
by the National Trust for Conservation to have a valid entry permit into the
relevant trekking area. In our case this was the Annapurna (Nepali for Goddess
of the Harvest) Conservation Area. Furthermore, the Trekkers’ Information Management
System (TIMS) captures all relevant data into a database enabling, presumably,
accurate tracking of trekker whereabouts and area-wide carrying capacities
expressly for management purposes.
Measures put in place by the government and allied trekking association to regulate the industry |
Access point to the Annapurna Conservation Area |
According to my own expert trekking guide, Krisna Bahadur Gurung ( Mobile no. +977- 9846104807 Government
license no.406 from ACME Adventure Treks) its not only highly recommended but
also mandatory to contract the services of a suitably qualified guide on any
trek. On our short trek it was evident that this requirement is openly flaunted
by foreigners to the detriment of the trekkers themselves (personal safety and
security as well as the loss of an important socio-cultural teaching and
learning opportunity) and also the industry (employment and revenue generation
opportunities for Nepal). Its understandable that free-spirited individuals or
groups would wish to do their own thing but I have an issue when people are
downright irresponsible and blatantly break the law.
Krisna trying his hand in the kitchen at one of our overnight stops
Nothing beats the heat of a good wood burning stove! The blogger is flanked by Buddhi (L) and Krisna (R), seasoned trekking guides that have racked up over 50 years solid experience between the two of them throughout the Himalayas
Onto more pleasurable pursuits …. trekking in the Annapurna Conservation
Area which is, essentially, a fascinating, highly successful, age-old
sustainable tourism / local economic development model that WORKS. It's so
simple and seems to come so naturally to the rural Nepalese people, largely
without any support or direct intervention from the government. It’s
predominantly centred upon the best-fit and sustainable use of bio-physical and
other resources at their disposal. Have the intoxicating and invigorating Himalayan
mountains (Nepali for Mountain of Snows); an extensive working and community
maintained network of trails/treks; countless villages with rudimentary or more
advanced homestays; spice it up with a dash of danger – masochism; the allure
and mystic of Tibetan Buddhism spirituality; throw in Nepali nonchalance and
charm and it all contributes to an adventure tourism cocktail par excellence.
A snow-melt swollen river which will soon convey heavy monsoon rains down to the lowlands |
Pre-dawn view of Machhapuchhre or Fishtail Range with the peak itself rising to 6997m captured from Tadapani
A series of spectacular waterfalls encountered, prior to the onset of the monsoon season, along the descending trek from Hile to Birethanti |
The mountainous massif of Annapurna South |
The theme of Nepali self-determination, resilience and sustainability is
all pervading - most foodstuffs are
grown or produced locally - organic vegetables (potatoes, green beans, corn,
cabbage, spinach, field greens; diary (buffalo & beef); poultry (primarily
for egg production) and cereal crops (rice, millet, wheat). Other essentials
are packed in by mule-trains or by horseback. As transient travellers it’s
fascinating to observe highly successful farming practices in action -
irrigation, planting, mulching, soil improvement and enrichment with manure
from small and large livestock.
Highly prized mule-trains and their drivers traverse the mountains doing the heavy lifting from road heads to remote villages packing almost every conceivable commodity including building materials |
The farm gate to dinner plate scenario plays itself out daily and whilst
trekking you have the unique opportunity to sample some of the fresh farm
produce on offer. Dal baht or specifically Nepali
chicken dal baht power – packing Himalayan
Power for 24 hours - is standard trekking fare for guides, porters and trekkers
alike providing a solid, wholesome meal. Dal or lentils in the form of a watery
gruel is served together with chicken soup; lightly curried potatoes and green
beans; local greens or Asian spinach with onion and garlic; copious amounts of
rice; and a side serving of spicy pickles.
Chicken dal baht for 24 hour Himalayan Power .... standard trekking fare village grown and cooked organic food that is wholesome and nutritious |
Average guesthouse, on trek,
accommodation is priced at around $15 p.n. including a light breakfast. Lunches
and dinners average $5 per meal - hot beverages - an assortment of teas with
masala being my favourite are under a dollar a cup with pots being slightly
cheaper. Alcohol is generally on offer at most guesthouses and large Nepalese
brewed beers including Tuborg, Everest, Gorkha are priced at around $4-5.
Trek-side accommodation, dressed up in the local architectural style, providing solid and comfortable lodgings for transient trekkers throughout the Annapurna Conservation Area |
In my shortest of interludes I did, however, observe some flaws
particularly around the issue of sustainability and government regulation.
Paradoxically, this is the case in that guesthouse development is burgeoning,
seemingly unchecked, without due consideration for environmental, aesthetic and
pyscho-social carrying capacities. One wonders whether there will be a
reasonable rate of return on capital investments as quaint, trek-side hamlets
mushroom into misplaced dormitory-styled lodgings.
Uncontrolled, local guesthouse development poses a threat to an 'authentic trekking experience' where there is seemingly little or no regard for ecological and psycho-social impacts |
Yet another eye-catching, trek side accommodation establishment |
In the area where ostensibly
regulation is in place i.e. the requirement to use, as a non-negotiable, TAAN
trained and certified guides this has apparently fallen by the wayside in
recent years. No matter how tame and user-friendly the trekking experience may
seem (which is definitely not the case) I'm of the view that no-one should be
permitted to trek without using the service of a qualified guide.
Whereas trekking masses may find Wi-Fi, internet and mobile phone access
cool and a natural extension of their everyday life, I personally find it inappropriate,
intrusive and uncool in a place like Nepal especially in the Himalayan Mountains.
One has the desire to ‘get away from it all’ but when confronted with fellow
trekkers phubbing away and /or surfing the net on their mobiles or glued to
television screens spruiking gibberish it becomes a bit too much.
Creature comforts such as home-made apple pie, mobile phone networks, Wi-Fi and pizzas are largely misplaced in such an extraordinary setting, in my view, and discerning trekkers will find signs like this somewhat amusing but beyond that intrusive and off-putting. |
One of the more interesting signs encountered - it DOES NOT indicate a Wi-Fi free zone but rather significant, village-based WASH - water, sanitation and hygiene improvements |
A frequent, personal lament was for a trek less travelled and trammelled
because I found the sheer numbers of people on the trek and overnighting at
guesthouses difficult to contend with but I had to remind myself that the land
use option or protected area status (conservation) was far from pristine
wilderness, where carrying capacities are reduced significantly for specific ecological
and social reasons. In spite of the heavy trekking traffic, which includes
regular mule trains, the walking surface was in superb condition (well drained,
expertly stepped, contoured and more often than not paved with durable stone slabs)
and litter was almost non-existent.
Krisna on the slow, steady ascent to Ghandruk with a clear view of the excellent trekking surface |
Traditional gateway to many of the villages and accommodation establishments within the Annapurna Conservation Area |
Some of my most vivid trekking recollections include: the multi-national
composition of trekkers and the respective groups including countless orderly Asians
(mainly Koreans, Chinese and Japanese); Europeans - Germans and odd Australians
with representation across all age groups. Strikingly, a fair percentage of trekkers
were solitary men and women with their own trekking guide - testimony to the
trust, safety and security, credibility, and reliability of the TAAN
professional association system. Trekking days were generally very enjoyable
and varied, filled with 1001 Namastes and hi's due to ‘moderate’ trekking traffic
which tends to peak during the high season which extends from September–December.
The month of May is on the cusp of the 3 month monsoon season which extends through
to early September where water and river levels rise appreciably and often dramatically
in the form of flash flooding and rockfalls/mudslides.
This gently meandering stream will turn into a raging torrent in a few months with the onset of the monsoon season |
The Annapurna Autobahn - a private joke shared with Krisna on our final descent from Ghorepani when we encountered a large, boisterous group of German trekkers |
One can only but wonder ....... |
Krisna Bahadur Gurung was a revelation, fantastic trekking guide and
wonderful travel companion. His quick
wit and ‘old world’ turn of phrase was quaint and very amusing. Krisna would
refer to the ‘mountains as being shy’
when they were obscured by clouds; bashfully introduced me to raksi – a local,
millet-brewed white spirit which is obviously a cure for all ills – when taken
in moderation. On an assessment of menus at respective guesthouses he would
refer to two main categories of meals – light or heavy with an obvious
reference to calorific intake to sustain one throughout a trekking day. He
revelled in our celebratory drink at the end of our trek and time together and
was obviously highly appreciative of the generous tip that was deservedly bestowed on him.
One of my most bizarre on trek observations was that I soon became convinced,
by the look on people’s faces and associated body language, how little they
were prepared for or were actually enjoying their trekking experience. It was rare to
encounter happy, smiling trekkers and there was a real sense that many of the
trekkers had been conned or seduced by sexy marketing, unwittingly, into the
experience. I was on a perpetual high with the ‘entire package deal’ and found
it very difficult to relate to strained, bland or occasional pissed off faces – it all seemed so out
of place.
A creative, non-verbal way to express, in more ways than one, the immense satisfaction and exhilaration derived from trekking Nepal! Photo: Courtesy of Gerda Kollmann |
One of many guesthouses encountered catering for the needs of most trekkers including spectacular mountain views
Finally..... yet another guesthouse in the Ghandruk area clearly depicting the care, pride and pleasure put into keeping trekkers comfortable, secure and safe |
Such a wonderful trek to Annapurna, and nice images.